Monchanin Journal: Political Self-Determination of Native Peoples
Special Issue - Periodical profile published 1978
Publisher: Centre Monchanin, Montreal, Canada
Year Published: 1978
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX871
The Monchanin Cross-Cultural Centre seeks an understanding of life in the perspective of all cultures coming together: African, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Christian.
The Monchanin Cross-Cultural Centre seeks an understanding of life in the perspective of all cultures coming together: African, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Christian. In the past few years a certain priority has been given to the Native Indian perspective. The Journal, published quarterly, has often included reflections by and about Canadian native people. More recently the Centre has initiated a project, "Seeking Recognition" which they believe goes to the roots of the problem and which they would like to see extended throughout North America. Its purpose is to bring westernized peoples to listen to the traditional Native Indian way of life: its spiritual, social, political and economic vision as it is lived today. The purpose of listening is also to learn from the presentation in our personal, social, political and economic life. The first volume of a special edition of the Journal has been published on the Political Self-Determination of Native Peoples. It is available in French and English and contains declarations and testimonies by Dene, Inuit and Yukon Indians. Two further issues of the Journal are in preparation on the same theme. They will focus respectively on 1) the Naskapi-Montagnais, Metis, Cri-Ojibway and, 2) on the Iroquois and International Interventions.
Subscription: $5. (Canada); $6. (Others); Single cope of special issue: $2.50.
Subject Headings