Resource Kit on Northern Development

Publisher:  Social Action Ministries, Anglican Church of Canada, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Price:  $1.50   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX15

Introduction to issues surrounding Native rights and northern development.

A resource kit on northern development has been prepared by the Inter-church Project on Northern Development (Project North) and produced by the social action department of the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops.

The purpose of the kit is to give a thumbnail introduction to issues surrounding Native rights and northern development and to provide church groups and public interest groups with material for discussion and action.

The kit consists of the following:

Background papers which examine the issues of Native rights and large developmental projects in four major areas:
a) Northern Quebec
b) Northern Manitoba
c) Northwest Terrritories
d) Northwest British Columbia

In each case a list of resource groups (Native organizations, church and public interest groups) and resource material (books, films, audio-visual presentations) have been included for added information.

A map outline of northern development projects.

Three flyers, describing information related to the issues have also been included. They are:
i) Brazilian Studies -a group that has produced an audio-visual montage denoucing conditions under which Brazilian Indians live.
ii) This Land Is Not For Sale -a book written by Karmel McCullum and Hugh McCullum concerning the questions of development of non-renewable resources and Native land claims.
iii) Northern Development at what Cost? A 17-minute slide tape documentry based on the Canadian Bishops, 1975 Labour Day Message.

Also available from: Project North, 154 Glenrose Ave. Toronto.
Canadian Catholic Conference, 90 Parent St., Ottawa.

Subject Headings
