Tribal News
Beardsley, Doug (ed.)
Publisher: Victoria Indian Cultural Education Centre, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Pages: 16pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX211 News pamphlet written primarily to raise the social and political awareness of native people in B.C. Abstract: This news pamphlet is written primarily to raise the social and political awareness of the native people of British Columbia in order that they may be prepared to take positive action for change. The main article, entitled "The Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs", traces the Union's development from its formation in 1969 to the recent Courtenay Conference in May 1976. The original reasons for the formation of the Union were: (i) to develop a response to the 1969 White Paper; (ii) to pursue a just settlement of the B.C. Indian Land Question; and (iii) to form a strong provincial Indian political organisation that could represent all the Indian people in British Columbia. The article condemns the assimilation programs of the Federal Government as these have downplayed the tribal systems which have been the foundation of Indian culture. The Chilliwack Conference of 1975 similarly attacked the constitution of the Union of the B.C. Indian Chiefs for failing both to recognise the Indianness of the people, and to give the native people a model to help them recapture their lost Indianness. The 1976 Meeting in Courtenay, in its turn, rejected the forced approaches of the leadership of the non-status Indians and made a plea for a new direction by the Union which would promote the inclusion of the non-status Indians in a more natural context and at the same time provide a basis for both groups to join forces in rebuilding a better sense of Indianness within the 20th century. The remaining pages are devoted to new items from the Saanich Peninsula Council of Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum and Pauquachin Reserves which represent approximately 800 people, and to an article encouraging support for a proposed alcohol and drug project in the area for reasons of building a strong sense of nationhood. |