Kitimat Oil Coalition
Year Published: 1977Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX438 This is an organization of about twenty environmental groups and professional associatons opposed to the development of an oil port at Kitimat and generally concerned with oil tanker traffic along the B.C. Coast. Abstract: This is an organization of about twenty environmental groups and professional associatons opposed to the development of an oil port at Kitimat and generally concerned with oil tanker traffic along the B.C. Coast. Three of the affilitated local organizations which have essentially the same purpose are: Coalition Against Supertankers (COASR), Box 302 Masset, Wueen Charlette Islands, B.C. Northcoast Committee to Save Our Shores (SOS) Box 663, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Association Against Supertankers of Kitimat (TAASK) P.O. Box 122, Terrace, B.C. (From: Environmental Information Guide for B.C., published by SPEC) This organization no longer exists. This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1977. |