Letters of Insurgents

Nachalo, Sophia and Vochek, Yarostan (Perlman, Freddy)
Publisher:  Black and Red, Detroit, USA
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  832pp     Dewey:  808.839
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6354

A fictional exchange of letters between people grappling with the question of what the struggle for freedom means in the West and in the countries of the Soviet bloc. A gripping discussion of the issues of social change and liberation as they affect real people.

Two individuals living on distant continents resume contact through correspondence. They describe meaningful events and relationships in their lives during the twenty years since their youthful liaison, comparing the choices each took. Yarostan lives in a "workers' republic"; Sophia in a "Western democracy." They both make efforts to lead meaningful lives. Along the way, they encounter bureaucratis, idealists, racists, flaunters of social convention, labour militants, professors, jailors, hucksters and more.

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