First All Tribal Council/Groups & Indian Organizations Meeting
Publisher: United Native Nations, Vancouver, CanadaYear Published: 1978 Price: 5.00 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX870 A collection of documents relevant to the First All Tribal Councils/Groups & Indian Organizations Meeting in British Columbia (October 27-29, 1978) has been complied in one booklet. Abstract: A collection of documents relevant to the First All Tribal Councils/Groups & Indian Organizations Meeting in British Columbia (October 27-29, 1978) has been complied in one booklet. The Meeting was a preliminary to setting up an Aboriginal Council of British Columbia which will focus on raising the political and economic consciousness of the various tribal groups in the Province so that each group may be better able to represent itself to relevant government and other bodies. Notable in the collection are three position papers on Indian aboriginal rights and land claims in British Columbia: (1) Federal, basically requesting a unified rather than piece-meal presentation of claims; (2) Provincial, that responds to the Nishga claim and includes the Province's rejection both of the concept of aboriginal rights today as perhaps existing prior but not subsequent to Confederation in 1871, and also one-shot land settlements; (3) Indian, insisting on the validity of their aboriginal title. |