Saskatchewan's Stake in the Politics of Separatism
Publisher: Institute for Saskatchewan Studies, Box 1462, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 3P7, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 12pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX498 This edition reports on discussions and workshops held in connection with a seminar on the possible separation of Quebec from Canada, and its implications for Saskatchewan. Abstract: This edition reports on discussions and workshops held in connection with a seminar on the possible separation of Quebec from Canada, and its implications for Saskatchewan. Wide ranging political, economic, social and cultural concerns are expressed. In supporting separation, one article states that French Canadians remain a politically and culturally repressed minority who must take steps to avoid assimilation into English mainstream. For example, the Francophone population is Saskatchewan continues to decline in spite of provincial efforts to promote French in its school system. A second article advances the view that, in the event of separation, Quebec would favour an economic union with the rest of Canada, a union involving the free flow of goods, services, labour and capital between equal partners. This arrangement offers certain economic benefits for Western Canada since it requires the removal of present tariff barriers and transportation policies that are designed to protect secondary industry in Quebec. An opposing view is given in a statement by then Premier William Blakeney, who maintains that the limited trade with Quebec would result in minimal economic gains for Saskatchewan in the event of the separation. Politically, it was argued that the government of Saskatchewan failed to dialogue with the P.Q. because the N.D.P. then in power, were opposed to regionalism and supported policies shift to the right would occur, with a rejection of the N.D.P. in favour of the Conservatives. This edition closes with a debate on the resolution that an independent Quebec will be good for Quebec and Canada. |