The History of Canadian Business 1867-1914
Volume I - The Banks and Finance Capital
Naylor, Tom
Publisher: James Lorimer & Company
Year Published: 1975
Pages: 296pp ISBN: 0-88862-092-6
Library of Congress Number: HF5349.C2N39 Dewey: 380'.0971
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX11593
A comprehensive history of Canadian business and a detailed account of the development of commerce and industry in the formative period from Confederation to the first World War. In Volume 1 on the banks and finance capital, the story of the growth of the Canadian chartered banking system is told in detail. Included is an analysis of the many bank failures, and an explanation of the techniques used successfully by the largest chartered banks to dominate banking and finance in the new confederation. Several chapters deal with hitherto unrecorded facets of the development of the financial system of Canada, the major financial institutions and the types of operations they financed.
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