![]() Power & Opposition in Post-Revolutionary Societies
Althusser, Louis et al
Publisher: Ink LinksYear First Published: {26803 Power & Opposition in Post-Revolutionary Societies POWER OPPOSITION IN POST-REVOLUTIONARY SOCIETIES Althusser, Louis et al Ink Links Between 11 and 13 November 1977 the Italian formation Il Manifesto, organized a conference in Venice on the topic 'Power and Opposition in Post-Revolutionary Societies'. Present were prominent West European Marxist intellectuals and trade unionists, and key socialist oppositionists to the regimes in Eastern Europe and the USSR. This book records their speeches at what must be one of the broadest based conferences ever held on such a topic. 1978 1979 281pp BC26803s-PowerOpposition.jpg B Book 0-906133-19X CX11591 0 false true false CX11591.htm [0xc000af2270] Cx} Year Published: 1979 Pages: 281pp ISBN: 0-906133-19X Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX11591 Between 11 and 13 November 1977 the Italian formation Il Manifesto, organized a conference in Venice on the topic 'Power and Opposition in Post-Revolutionary Societies'. Present were prominent West European Marxist intellectuals and trade unionists, and key socialist oppositionists to the regimes in Eastern Europe and the USSR. This book records their speeches at what must be one of the broadest based conferences ever held on such a topic. Subject Headings |