Resources On the Dene and The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline.
Publisher: Southern Support Group, Canada
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 9pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX389
This resource list is primarily intended for those interested in pursuing the issues of native land claims (particularly the Dene) and development in the Mackenzie Valley. Many of the books, papers, and audio-visuals contain more detailed bibliographies for those who want to do further research.
Abstract: This resource list is primarily intended for those interested in pursuing the issues of native land claims (particularly the Dene) and development in the Mackenzie Valley. Many of the books, papers, and audio-visuals contain more detailed bibliographies for those who want to do further research. Also listed are the addresses of various organizations working on both sides of the land claims issue. The resources contain a lot of historical information on the native peoples' struggles as well as a report on action being presently undertaken. The resource list also provides addresses of groups or organisations who can provide additional information and materials on the above issues.
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