On Spontaneity and Organisation

Bookchin, Murray
Publisher:  Solidarity (London), London, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {11830 On Spontaneity and Organisation ON SPONTANEITY AND ORGANISATION Bookchin, Murray Solidarity (London) London United Kingdom On the relationship of spontaneity and revolution. 1971 1975 15pp BL0964-MurrayBookchin.jpg PMP Pamphlet Bookchin argues that socialism, far from being at the very vanguard of society, has in fact become almost quaintly outdated - its desires for emancipation have been outstripped by societies themselves. Feminism and environmentalism have long been given short shrift by socialists, and their proclivity for hierarchical organization is rapidly alienating the party from even its bedrock of factory workers. A "new Enlightenment" has encompassed Western society, allowing for new dynamic self-emancipation and emotional engagement with the world. Hence, the most threatening concept is now sponaneity - the "behaviour, feeling and thought that is free of external constraint, of imposed restriction." The role of revolutionaries, therefore, can only begin "when the individual undertakes to to remake himself or herself." CX5611 1 false true false CX5611.htm [0xc000e43080 0xc000d1d800 0xc001d40f90 0xc001dd1650 0xc0022db980 0xc000126d50 0xc000ed7920] Cx}
Year Published:  1975
Pages:  15pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX5611

On the relationship of spontaneity and revolution.

Bookchin argues that socialism, far from being at the very vanguard of society, has in fact become almost quaintly outdated - its desires for emancipation have been outstripped by societies themselves. Feminism and environmentalism have long been given short shrift by socialists, and their proclivity for hierarchical organization is rapidly alienating the party from even its bedrock of factory workers. A "new Enlightenment" has encompassed Western society, allowing for new dynamic self-emancipation and emotional engagement with the world. Hence, the most threatening concept is now sponaneity - the "behaviour, feeling and thought that is free of external constraint, of imposed restriction." The role of revolutionaries, therefore, can only begin "when the individual undertakes to to remake himself or herself."

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