![]() The Betrayal of Marx
Bender, Frederic L. (ed.)
Publisher: Harper & Row, New York, USAYear Published: 1975 Pages: 452pp Dewey: 320.5322 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6183 The public has too long been fed the view that figures such as Lenin and Stalin are genuine followers of Marx, simply because they have claimed that distinction. Nothing justifies the deeds of a perverse 'Marxism' (e.g. that of Stalin); a proper understanding of Marxist humanism, and its betrayal, in contrast, enables us to raise afresh the question of means and to reevaluate the relevant historical, economic, and political facts. Abstract: - Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgements Introduction: The Betrayal of Marx I. FOUNDATIONS OF DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM 1. Engels: Scientific Socialism and Dialectics 2. Engels: The Basic Concepts of Dialectical Materialism Hegel and His Influence Idealism and Materialism Dialectical Materialism 3. Engels: The Three laws of Dialectics The transformation of Quantity into Quality and Vice Versa The Interpenetration of Opposites The Negation of the Negation 4. Engels: The Two Conceptions of Matter Matter as a conceptual Abstraction Matter as the Real Substratum of Change 5. Engels: The dialectical materialist Conception of Man 6. Plekhanov: The Darwinization of Marxism II. MARXIST SOCIAL DEMOCRACY 7. Engels: The Proletarian Revolution and Advanced Capitalism 8. Engels: Repudiation of Revolution 9. Bernstein: The Manifesto of Revisionism 10 Luxemburg: Ballot Box or Mass Strike? 11. Luxemburg: Requiem for Social Democracy III. THE THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF LENINISM 12. The Conception of the Party Lenin: The "Party of a New Type" Luxemburg: Leninism or Marxism? - Round One 13. Lenin: Two Tactics of Social Democracy 14. Lenin on the Theory of Knowledge Bogdanov: Marxism and Relativism Lenin: The Basic Principles of Epistemology Lenin: The "Marxist" Conception of Truth Lenin: Critique of Bogdanov 15. Lenin: The Reinterpretation of Marx 16. Lenin: Imperialism 17. The Legitimization of the One-Party State Bukharin: The Imperialist State Lenin: "State and Revolution" IV. THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST "MARXIST" STATE 18. Luxemburg: Leninism or Marxism? - Round Two 19. Lenin: The Third International 20. "War Communism" Bukharin: On Economics Trotsky: On Terrorism Lenin: On "Left-Communism" 21. Revolution Within The Revolution The Kronstadt Commune: "What We Are fighting For" Lenin: Dictatorship within the One-Party Dictatorship Lenin: The New Economic Policy V. STALIN AND THE BETRAYAL OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 22. Lenin: Notes on the Struggle with Stalin 23. Stalin: Seizing the Mantle of Leninist Orthodoxy 24. Trotsky: The Betrayal of the Revolution 25. Zhdanov: "Socialist Realism": The Stalinist Aesthetic 26. Stalinism and Philosophy Stalin: Dialectical and Historical Materialism Zhdanov: Philosophy and the Demands of the Party Alexandrov: The "Confession" of a Soviet Philosopher 27. Khrushchev: The Crimes of the Stalin Era Chronological Table Suggestions and Further Reading Index Subject Headings |