Outreach Employment Services 1976-1977
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 5pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX376
This document is a brief overview of the approach, objectives and strategies of this program to "increase employment opportunities for special needs people."
Abstract: This document is a brief overview of the approach, objectives and strategies of this program to "increase employment opportunities for special needs people." The program is based on the assumption that there are both individual and systemic causes for people not finding satisfactory employment. It also assumes that many people are not well served by traditional agencies. Thus, it has developed a warm, supportive approach with a personal commitment to the clients. The program recognises the need to go beyond job placement to support the client in his/her locating employment, developing skills, and maintaining the job. To this end, the counselling staff keeps track of suitable openings, "sells" clients, and arranges day care, housing and clothing if necessary. It also attempts to initiate community change to increase the number and quality employment opportunities by counselling employers, developing community projects, and co-operating with other agencies. The funding comes in part from Manpower. The clients came from the urban core area of Regina. Its uniqueness is the quality and supportive nature of the service and the emphasis on community change to meet employment needs.
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