Canadian Labour Comment
Publisher: Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 8pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX361 A discussion regarding workers' compensation and unemployment insurance eligibility. Abstract: Changes in the unemployment insurance system, Wage Controls and Industrial Health are three major problems raised in the current issue. A committee formed in Local 6500 of the United Steelworkers of America is searching for 600 of 1200 former employees of the International Nickel Company sintering plant in Sudbury. It operated between 1948 and 1962 removing sulphur from nickel and copper ore. Dust often remained in the lungs of workers with the result that 53 known workers have already died of lung or sinus cancer. By the law of averages, about another 50 have probably also died. The Workmans' Compensation Board, after a struggle since 1950, has agreed to compensate former workers affected by lung or sinus cancer. Federal Government proposals to increase the qualifying period for eligibility for unemployment insurance have drawn heavy fire from the Canadian Labour Congress. Those most hurt would be the low-income seasonal or part-time workers. There is also a concern over a shift to regional unemployment rates as a barometer of eligibility for extended benefits. "It is our considered view that unemployment insurance monies are for one purpose only and that is to provide insurance payments as a matter of right to those persons who prove their eligibility... Any other use of them contravenes the basic tenets of unemployment legislation. "Wage controls have exposed the Achilles heel of the labour movement," says Joe Morris. The myth of "Big Labour" has been exploded. As a result on affiliate (of the Canadian Labour Congress) can go it alone. Substantial changes have thus been brought about in the C.L.C. to make it a stronger national centre for labour. Periodical profile published 1977 |