Native Press Vol. 7, Issue 9
Publisher: Native Communications Society of the Western N.W.T., CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 24pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX356 Native Press is a bi-weekly newspaper that covers concerns relevant to native People, as well as various community events in the North West Territories Abstract: This bi-weekly newspaper covers concerns relevant to native People, as well as various community events in the North West Territories (NWT). A feature article in this issue covers the recent resignation of six members of the Territorial governments Research and Development Division (RDD). The resignations were sparked by the postponement of a training workshop scheduled for Baker Lake. After this happened, members of the RDD asked for and reviewed a position paper on the government's policies related to social, economic and political determination in the north. They were asked to meet with Commissioner Hodgson April 25 to "signify their intentions", and six out of nine resigned. The editorial in Native Press reviews, in depth, the political consequences of the Baker Lake Issue. The editor makes it very clear that political self-determination for Native People is not something the Territorial government will support and that people who do support this self-determination find it difficult to survive with the Territorial government. Other articles include a discussion on Northern policy, migration of Native People, funding for Friendship Centres and the Yellowknife Correctional Institute. Periodical profile published 1977 |