The People, The Land, Our Hope
Publisher: Rosetown Presbytery Rural Life Committee, Netherhill, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX102 Pamphlet outlines the plan of the committee to hold land in trust on which to develop a cooperative community. Abstract: This pamphlet outlines the plan of the Rosetown Presbytery Rural Life Committee to hold land in trust on which to develop a cooperative community. The reasons for doing this include: rural depopulation and decay of small centres, isolation of farm people, rail line abandonment, recent arrival of multinational grain companies into the farm marketing system and the rising cost of marketing and fuel combined with uncertainty about prices. Their plan is to have a small land base (so as not to threaten surrounding farmers) involving intensive farming with greater use of labour. Emphasized is cooperative and community sharing of work and resources, appropriate technology, local industry and handicrafts, community self-sufficiency and marketable surpluses rather than exclusive concentration on crops for export. People involved would be of all ages and skills, with secure retirement for older people, and suitable means of training younger people and newcomers in farming and life skills. Members would be expected to share actively in the life of the surrounding communities or towns. Labour would be one way of obtaining equity in the cooperative farm. |