Calgary Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America
Organization profile published 1978
Publisher: Calgary Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, Calgary, Canada
Year Published: 1978
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX636
Connexions has published multiple abstracts on the Calgary Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America.
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This absract was published in Connexions Digest in 1978:
The Calgary Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America was formed in April, 1978 and its composed of a group of Canadians, Argentineans, and Chileans whose purposes are: a) To bring together people from a variety of churches in a common concern for human rights in Latin America; b) To gather data and do research relevant to our shared concern for human rights in Latin America: c) to provide specific opportunities for shared and individual action regarding human rights in Latin America. This may include communication with various governments; providing moral support for others working on human rights issues; raising funds; d) To initiate and sponsor educational programs which focus on human rights issues; e) To facilitate liaison with Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America of the Canadian Council of Churches and other secular and church related human rights organizations in Canada and in Latin America; f) To communicate with Canadian corporations which are active in Latin American countries regarding their investment policies in Latin America.
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This abstract was published in Connexions Digest in 1982:
The Calgary Interchurch Committee on Human Rights in Latin America (CICHRLA) is a group of people who share concerns about events in Latin America. CICHRLA was formed in 1978 as a follow-up to a Calgary conference entitled "Perspectives on Latin America". CICHRLA's work focusses on educating people in Calgary and Southern Alberta about the situation in Latin America. Their work has involved hosting speakers, responding to crises in Central American refugees in Calgary. Most members of CICHRLA are also involved with other Calgary groups with concerns directly related to Central and South America.
Thegroup also has available a slide-tape entitled "Root of the Problem".