A Proposal for the Development of a Community Socio-Legal Clinic
Publisher: Woodgreen Community Centre, Adult Programs and Services Dept., Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 9pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX270 A report on the success of the addition of a legal clinic to an established community centre. Abstract: This report could serve as a model for other attempts, particularly in Ontario, to develop community legal clinics. The possibility of such clinics has opened up as a result of new supportive legislation in Ontario. A number of such clinics are already underway and several new ones are planned. The difference between existing clinics and this one lies in its relationship to an existing organization, Woodgreen Community Centre. As now envisaged, the Woodgreen Centre would provide the umbrella for the existence of the community legal clinic. This provides an initial stabilizing element, an immediate and direct contact with the community -- most of the Woodgreen board of Directors are local residents in the neighbourhood -- and a broader-than-legal base within which to operate. The proposal paper presents an outline of the presently existing Legal service at Woodgreen and points out the disadvantages of Ontario's Legal Aid Plan. Specific objectives, structures and funding possibilities as well as a sample budget are given. For anyone seriously considering the establishment of a Community Legal Clinic, this proposal could be helpful. |