Voice of the Annex Periodical profile published 1977
Publisher: The Annex Residents' Association, Canada
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 6pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX319
Voice of the Annex is a newsletter that examines official planning for Toronto and citizen participation in this process.
Abstract: This newsletter examines Official Planning for Toronto and citizen participation in this process. The Official Plan, Part 1, outlines prescriptions for land use in general terms in order that citizen planning groups may examine and suggest refinements. The result, a more detailed Part 2 Plan. The final plan is enforced by the city's zoning by-laws after it has been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. Presently, the official plan which curtails zoning densities is being strongly opposed by developers at hearings before the Ontario Municipal Board. The Annex Residents Association has retained a lawyer to represent them in support of the city's new plan and against developers who want densities increased. The cost to retain legal representation is considerable and therefore a problem.
The newsletter further questions how well the Annex Residents Association is representing its constituency. It suggests that the job of defining issues, of getting laws to deal with them, and of developing and renewing relationships with the community and all levels of government. This can only be done, the latter says, with increased input to and from the community. Block associations are emphasized as building stones since local interest is best expressed on a local basis and more informal meetings in different places to create new contacts are recommended.
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