Towards a New Marxism
Grahl, Bart; Piccone, Paul
Publisher: Telos PressYear First Published: {12469 Towards a New Marxism TOWARDS A NEW MARXISM Grahl, Bart; Piccone, Paul Telos Press A collection of papers presented at the Frist International Telos Conference, October 8 - 11, 1970, in Waterloo, Ontario. 1970 1973 240pp $2.75 BC12469s-TowardsNewMarxism.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction <br>1. Notes on Lukács' "The Old Culture and the New Culture" <br>2. The Old Culture and the New Culture <br>3. Dialectics of Nature <br>4. Marxism and Utopia: Ernst Bloch <br>5. Existentialism and Marxism <br>6. Phenomenological Marxism <br>7. Hegelian Leninism <br>8. The Theory of the Crash <br>9. Marxism in the United States <br>10. The Marxist-Christian Dialogue <br>Index CX6609 1 false true false CX6609.htm [0xc0001f1710 0xc002656690] Cx} Year Published: 1973 Pages: 240pp Price: $2.75 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6609 A collection of papers presented at the Frist International Telos Conference, October 8 - 11, 1970, in Waterloo, Ontario. Abstract: - Table of Contents Introduction 1. Notes on Lukács' "The Old Culture and the New Culture" 2. The Old Culture and the New Culture 3. Dialectics of Nature 4. Marxism and Utopia: Ernst Bloch 5. Existentialism and Marxism 6. Phenomenological Marxism 7. Hegelian Leninism 8. The Theory of the Crash 9. Marxism in the United States 10. The Marxist-Christian Dialogue Index Subject Headings |