Valley Views Newsletter of the Valley Research Foundation - Periodical profile published 1979
Publisher: Valley Research Foundation, Elora, Canada
Year Published: 1979 Pages: 4pp Price: Donation Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX962
Valley Research Foundation is trying to stop construction of the West Montrose Dam on the Grand River between Elmira and Guelph, Ontario.
Abstract: Valley Research Foundation is trying to stop construction of the West Montrose Dam on the Grand River between Elmira and Guelph, Ontario. This dam would flood prime agricultural and recreational land in order to provide what they believe is questionable additional water reservoirs for people living in the Kitchener area as well as for flood control and recreational use. The cost would be at least $60 million. Valley Research Foundation (VRF) is the fund-raising arm of the Joint Management Committee (JMC) which supervises the research required. The other two bodies involved in the JMC are the Council of the Township of Pilkington and the Committee to Preserve River Valleys (also known as the Stop the Dam Committee). They are opposing the philosophy of the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA).
A flow study done by VRF has concluded that an improved water management would assure adequate water quality for at least 8 out of every 20 years, but that drawing additional water from the river supply would greatly aggravate an already delicate balance. They also question the population projections which have formed the basis of the Dam proposal. VRF sees the Dam as a questionable technology which has failed in other cases when used by the GRCA to assure flood control, water quality or safe supply. Moreover VRF also points out that the remaining agricultural land will be placed under severe farming restrictions, should the Dam be built, in order to protect the environment surrounding this new watershed. VRF suggests examination of other alternatives such as expanded water conservation methods, research into new groundwater sources or even the use of a water pipeline from Lake Erie to serve the Waterloo area.
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