You Can't Blow Up a Social Relationship
The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism
Publisher: Libertarian Socialist Organization, Australia
Year First Published: {11824 You Can't Blow Up a Social Relationship YOU CANT BLOW UP A SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism Libertarian Socialist Organization Australia An Australian socialist-libertarian response to terrorism in the aftermath of the 1978 Sidney Hilton bombing, and a meditation on the inferior logic of terrorist-based politics. 1979 1981 24pp BC11824w-YouCan'tBlowUpSocial.jpg PMP Pamphlet While media criticism of the 1978 Sidney Hilton bombing irately condemns "leftist" violence, it ignores the much larger history of violence perpetrated in the name of reactionary politics. Capitalism's own relationship with violence is in fact so extensive as to have become already invisible. Distinction also needs to be made between terrorism and "intimidation," where the latter term expressly refers to guerrilla warfare's unique political objectives, most imporant being an armed opposition or illegality to the most repressive features of the "bourgeois" state. Yet even such "imitidation" obscures the most vital of revolutionary aims - "The 'very act of taking up arms' may defy the law but it says nothing about what is being fought for." Inherent within all guerrilla movements is a belief in vanguard-based revolution, as well as "an irrational faith in action." CX5606 1 true true false CX5606.htm [0xc000f90960 0xc0014ee930 0xc00064ac00 0xc0000f1e30 0xc000660d80 0xc000f5f740 0xc001079500] Cx}
Year Published: 1981
Pages: 24pp Resource Type: Pamphlet
Cx Number: CX5606
An Australian socialist-libertarian response to terrorism in the aftermath of the 1978 Sidney Hilton bombing, and a meditation on the inferior logic of terrorist-based politics.
While media criticism of the 1978 Sidney Hilton bombing irately condemns "leftist" violence, it ignores the much larger history of violence perpetrated in the name of reactionary politics. Capitalism's own relationship with violence is in fact so extensive as to have become already invisible. Distinction also needs to be made between terrorism and "intimidation," where the latter term expressly refers to guerrilla warfare's unique political objectives, most imporant being an armed opposition or illegality to the most repressive features of the "bourgeois" state. Yet even such "imitidation" obscures the most vital of revolutionary aims - "The 'very act of taking up arms' may defy the law but it says nothing about what is being fought for." Inherent within all guerrilla movements is a belief in vanguard-based revolution, as well as "an irrational faith in action."
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