The People and the Land are One
Publisher: Grand Council Treaty Number 9, Timmins, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 4pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX213 Outline of the position taken by the Cree-Ojibway chiefs against granting further cutting rights to Reed Pulp and Paper. Abstract: This four page pamphlet outlines the position taken by the Cree-Ojibway chiefs of the Treaty Number 9 area of Ontario against the granting of further cutting rights to Reed Pulp and Paper, a British-based multinational, which has, "...one of the worst forest management records of any companies operating in the province." The purpose of the pamphlet is to bring political pressure to bear on the Ontario government to establish an impartial inquiry into resource development north of 50 degrees. It is hoped that such an inquiry would examine the advantages and disadvantages of all types of resource development and suggest possible guidelines in order that future development will enrich, not rape, the land and its people. |