Co-ops. are People
Publisher: Ontario Co-operative Development Association, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 6pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX326 This brochure outlines six principles of co-operative organizing. These look at membership, distribution of savings among members, limited interest in investments, and education. Abstract: This brochure is the third in a series; the first two dealt with the definition and philosophy of co-operatives as well as starting one up. The brochure outlines six principles of co-operative organizing. These look at membership, distribution of savings among members, limited interest in investments, and education. In a section devoted to the structure of co-operatives there is an outline on how democratic principles can be carried out despite increasing complexity as the organization expands. The processes involved in federating, subsidiaries and centralization are dealt with. The brochure classifies co-operatives in terms of the functions they perform, the people they serve and the commodities they handle. Co-operatives fall into four major types: purchasing, marketing, production, service. |