Presentation to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities of Ontario
and the Ministry of Community and Social Services of Ontario
Kidd, Dorothy
Publisher: ERA of Women Society of Ryerson and Students for Wages for Housework, Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 1978
Pages: 2pp Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX812
The central concern of this brief is the discriminatory nature of the Ontario Student Grants Program (OSGP), against most female students.
The central concern of this brief is the discriminatory nature of the Ontario Student Grants Program (OSGP), against most female students. Women cannot obtain the funds to gain a post-secondary education. This is particularly true for single mothers on welfare assistance, single women, black and immigrant women.
These women are expected to provide for their own university education, despite the lack of wages for the mother or home-maker. Even the mother on welfare benefits must list these benefits as income on a grant application, and this amount is considered to limit the possibility of receiving a large grant. Furthermore, this same mother who is already living on a minimum wage is expected to save towards her education.
The cutbacks in the economy have made the situation worse. The brief thus makes four positive demands. First, there ought not to be a time limit in eligibility for grants. Second, there must be an end to the "dependent" category. Thirdly, there must be an increase in the grants to reflect the cost of living and finally, a full grant covering total education costs of all female students. Thus, women will be given the chance to gain an education and increase their social status.