New Dawn Enterprises Limited
Organization profile published 1976
Publisher:  New Dawn Enterprises Ltd., Sydney, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  2pp   Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX252

Paper describes the efforts of New Dawn to mobilize government and voluntary resources to contribute solutions to economic and social problems in Cape Breton.

Connexions has published numerous abstracts on New Dawn Enterprises Limited.

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This abstract was published in 1976:

New Dawn, which was incorporated in June of 1976, is a form of Community Development Corporation (see CX251) adapted to the needs of industrial Cape Breton. This paper describes its attempts to mobilize government and voluntary resources to contribute solutions to economic and social problems. This organization provides a variety of managerial, liaison and referral services to a complex of complementary organizations and enterprises which have membership in New Dawn. Activities and projects of three inter-related areas -- business, social development and cultural promotion -- are detailed. Their key question is whether it is possible to develop viable business enterprises and still care for people.

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This abstract was published in 1982:

NEW DAWN ENTERPRISES founded in 1976, is a form of community development corporation working to find practical solutions to both economic and social problems in Cape Breton. In seeking to mobilize government and voluntary resources within a non-profit framework. NEW DAWN has subdivided itself into several related organizations which deal with different problems. NEW DAWN lists three criteria for initiating a project: Is there a real need not being met? Are the resources available to get the job done? Will the project contribute to a comprehensive development of the community?

One important area that NEW DAWN has tackled is housing. The Cape Breton Association for Co-op Development, a company of NEW DAWN ENTERPRISES, owns eighteen residential buildings in Sydney, Glace Bay, and New Waterford. These comprise of 78 apartments and/or single family units, 24 of which are new. They are also in the process of constructing new buildings that will have at least 50 apartments. A separate project houses 27 senior citizens and a group home for mental patients. Another NEW DAWN housing-initiated project was a grant-funded programme which provides free labour for home repairs to senior citizens, with a total of 300 homes being repaired.

NEW DAWN's motto is"Business for People", symbolizing their belief that control NEW DAWN's operations should rest with those for whom they are intended - "the people of the community". "Who is better qualified", asks NEW DAWN, "to defing the needs of their community than the citizens themselves?"

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This abstract was published in 1983:

NEW DAWN ENTERPRISE LTD., incorporated in 1976, is a form of Community Development Corporation (CDC) adapted to the especial needs of the industrial cape Breton area of Nova Scotia. Like other CDC's, it is an attempt to mobilize both government and voluntary resources in such a way as to contribute to a solution of problems which are both economic and social.It is a non-profit organization; revenues generated are re-invested into future community- oriented programs and used to create jobs.
A number of legally separate but related organizations form part of the NEW DAWN complex; these include the Shining Waters Housing Association and the Cape Breton Association for Co-op Development.
All projects and operations are served by one core staff which provides the basic business management role. NEW DAWN activities can be divided into three broad ares: business, social and cultural.
The business base of NEW DAWN is real estate and construction; however, it is prepared to initiate any sort of business enterprise as it is economically viable and will improve the community.To date, the division has focused on the housing problem in Cape Breton. It has 125 housing units under its managment. The degree of participation in a venture can vary- it may provide small business technical expertise to private entrepreneurs, it may assume an equity position with outside investors,or it may found a project fully.
NEW DAWN is exploring high technology in relation to community development. One such experiment is the TELEDON videotext system. The CDC's research and develpoment consulting subsidiary,Highland Resources, has the necessary skills to market TELEDON technology in the areas of product marketing and promotion, institutional training, graphics, design specifications, market reports, and annual reports.
The social development division of NEW DAWN has initiated a number of projects, such as the operation of a senior citizens home, a resouce centre,an information referral service, and a financial counselling service.
In response to the area's shortage of dentists, NEW DAWN outfitted dental facilities to them to the community.

The Cape Breton School of Crafts is partially supported by NEW DAWN and other initiatives have been undertaken to assist in the development of local culture.
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