Mission and Ministry Workbook: Metropolitan Core
Wright, Albion Rev., United Church of Canada
Publisher: The Task Group On the Church in the Metropolitan Core, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1978 Pages: 50pp Price: 3.00 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX813 This workbook is being used by the Task Group on The Church in the Metropolitan core as part of a process to develop a policy statement on Urban Mission for the 1980 Council of The United Church in Canada. Abstract: This workbook is being used by the Task Group on The Church in the Metropolitan core as part of a process to develop a policy statement on Urban Mission for the 1980 Council of The United Church in Canada. The workbook begins by describing the analysis-study-reflection action process that is proposed. This is followed by some key definitions of terms such as central city, urbanized core and urbanization. Next, there is a series of charts examining demographic data on major Canadian urban areas. Data on population growth, unemployment, housing construction, religious affiliation and ethnic origin or residents of cities are given. Following the charts is a series of articles are Gibson Winter, Ivan Illich, E.F. Schumacher and Ed File. The focus of the articles is on the role of The Church in an urbanized setting, especially as it is present to the struggle of those in poverty. |