The Coral Battleground

Wright, Judy
Date Written:  2014-10-01
Publisher:  Spinifex Press
Year First Published:  {44836 The Coral Battleground CORAL BATTLEGROUND Wright, Judy Spinifex Press A fight for the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef, located in the coast of Queensland. In the late 1960s the reef began to be threatened with limestone mining and oil drilling. 2014-10-01 1977 2014 205 pp BC44836s-Wright-CoralBattleground.jpg B Book 9781742199061 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Publishers’ Preface xi <br>Foreword, 2014 by Margaret Thorsborne, AO xvii <br>Foreword, 1996 by Judith Wright xxi <br>Foreword, 1977 by Judith Wright xxiii <br>Introduction xxv <br> <br>1 The First Manoeuvres 1 <br>2 The Government, Science and the Reef 15 <br>3 Move and Counter-move 27 <br>4 Tragedy Abroad 43 <br>5 Geologists versus Biologists 56 <br>6 People Take a Hand 74 <br>7 The Unions Move In 94 <br>8 A Halt, and a Surrender 109 <br>9 Quarrels and a Victory 120 <br>10 From Torres Strait to Canberra 134 <br>11 We Get Reinforcements 149 <br>12 The Fight That Should Not Have Been Needed 162 <br>13 Four Years of Looting 181 <br>14 Finale Without an Ending 187 <br>Postscript 191 <br> <br>References, Sources and Bibliography 197 <br>Index 200 <br>Acknowledgements 205 CX18030 0 false true false CX18030.htm [0xc0003c6900 0xc000eb5950 0xc001d6d530] Cx}
Year Published:  2014
Pages:  205 pp   ISBN:  9781742199061
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX18030

A fight for the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef, located in the coast of Queensland. In the late 1960s the reef began to be threatened with limestone mining and oil drilling.


Table of Contents

Publishers’ Preface xi
Foreword, 2014 by Margaret Thorsborne, AO xvii
Foreword, 1996 by Judith Wright xxi
Foreword, 1977 by Judith Wright xxiii
Introduction xxv

1 The First Manoeuvres 1
2 The Government, Science and the Reef 15
3 Move and Counter-move 27
4 Tragedy Abroad 43
5 Geologists versus Biologists 56
6 People Take a Hand 74
7 The Unions Move In 94
8 A Halt, and a Surrender 109
9 Quarrels and a Victory 120
10 From Torres Strait to Canberra 134
11 We Get Reinforcements 149
12 The Fight That Should Not Have Been Needed 162
13 Four Years of Looting 181
14 Finale Without an Ending 187
Postscript 191

References, Sources and Bibliography 197
Index 200
Acknowledgements 205

Subject Headings

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