
Publisher:  Inter-Church Energy Committee, Saskatoons, Canada
Year Published:  1978
Pages:  8pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX801

One article examines the rapid moves made by the Saskatchewan government to push forward on the nuclear path. As the public becomes more informed of the dangers created by nuclear energy and the motivation of 'economic benefits' as opposed to abundant, clean, safe power; opposition is rising from many sectors.

One article examines the rapid moves made by the Saskatchewan government to push forward on the nuclear path. As the public becomes more informed of the dangers created by nuclear energy and the motivation of 'economic benefits' as opposed to abundant, clean, safe power; opposition is rising from many sectors. Also recognized by people, is the fact that problems of waste disposal and radioactive pollution exist now. It is clear that there is a great need not to increase the problem, as the continuation of uranium mining will do, but to halt the industry and look critically at solutions.
Another article expresses a "need for wisdom" as well as the problems created by nuclear energy. There is also the increasing threat of nuclear warfare. This article reports that most Canadian uranium has gone into military arsenals. It is impossible to keep Saskatchewan uranium out of the military industry once it has left the province.
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