United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (SUCCESS)
Organization profile published 1978
Year Published: 1978
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX920
SUCCESS is a non-profit society which aims at encouraging individuals among the estimated 80,000 Chinese in British Columbia to overcome language and cultural barriers.
SUCCESS is a non-profit society which aims at encouraging individuals among the estimated 80,000 Chinese in British Columbia to overcome language and cultural barriers. The Chinese are also encouraged to assume greater responsibilities towards achieving self-reliance, and to contribute fully to Canadian society.
Among its many services and programs, SUCCESS has a concern for newly-arrived Chinese, whether immigrants or refugees. SUCCESS offers to immigrants such services as orientation sessions, and workshops in such areas as public health, welfare for seniors and the educational system. This is done in an informal family setting if possible. However, the longer term responsibilities of sponsors in the new legislation seem to have made it harder for prospective immigrants to find sponsors.
SUCCESS also works with refugees like the hundred or more Vietnamese who have come to Vancouver since November 1978. The majority of these refugees are of Chinese origin. They are housed in a hotel but are encouraged to find their own accommodations as soon as possible. They are ensured five months of English classes as need prior to job hunting. Most refugees are still attending these classes in a neighbourhood school; day-care facilities are arranged for families where both parents are studying. SUCCESS also provides support services, such as escort and interpretation, house hunting, visiting, shopping and counselling.