Habitat and Urban Core Issues: Report and Impressions
Peterson, Larry
Publisher: Urban Core Support Network, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Pages: 4pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX164 A brief report on the participation of the UCSN staff in the 1976 United Nations Habitat Forum. Abstract: This is a brief report on the participation of Urban Core Support Network staff in the May 27 to June 11, 1976 United Nations Habitat Forum. It is addressed to the participants in the U.C.S.N. The staff members worked with a group of 200 delegates of the World Council of Churches, Urban-Industrial Mission. The report comments on major themes of the World Council group: squatters, land and powerlessness. It describes the importance of land tenure issues in the "Third World" as well as in Canada. The author then reflects on some implications of these issues for change efforts with marginalized people in the Canadian urban core. Subject Headings |