A Study

Wolff, Charlotte M.D.
Publisher:  Quartet Books, London, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {14714 Bisexuality BISEXUALITY A STUDY A Study Wolff, Charlotte M.D. Quartet Books London United Kingdom 1977 1979 261pp BC14714-Bisexuality.jpg B Book 0-7043-3253-1 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction to the paperback edition <br>Preface and acknowledgements <br> <br>Bisexuality: as others saw it <br>Biological inferences <br>Gender identity and sexual orientation <br>Procedure of study <br>Early influences <br>Later relationships <br>Interviews <br>Autobiographical documents: as they saw themselves <br> <br>Appendices: <br>1. Bisexuality and Androgyny <br>2. Statistical Tables <br> <br>Glossary <br>Bibliography <br>Index CX7324 1 false true false CX7324.htm [0xc0013f1b30] Cx}
Year Published:  1979
Pages:  261pp   ISBN:  0-7043-3253-1
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7324


Table of Contents

Introduction to the paperback edition
Preface and acknowledgements

Bisexuality: as others saw it
Biological inferences
Gender identity and sexual orientation
Procedure of study
Early influences
Later relationships
Autobiographical documents: as they saw themselves

1. Bisexuality and Androgyny
2. Statistical Tables


Subject Headings

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