Women and the Christian Faith - A Selected Bibliography and Resource Catalogue
Publisher: Daphne Anderson and Mary Connor, The Ecumenical Women's Resource Centre, Vancouver, CanadaYear Published: 1979 Pages: 51pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX2005 Abstract: This selected bibliography and resource catalogue is an initiative of the Division of Mission in Canada of the United Church. It is a response to that Church's decision "to raise the awareness of the institutional church, its bodies, church leaders and members, to the issues which the changed consciousness of and about women, has brought before society and our church." The catalogue was put together at the Ecumenical Women's Resource Center. This institution is unique in Canada. It is staffed mainly by volunteers from the student body of the Vancouver School of Theology and other Christian women in Vancouver. Services are available to any group and include resources for sale and loan: books, articles, study kits, tapes, bibliographies, workshops, and speakers primarily on Christian feminism. The center is open to both women and men who are interested in feminism from a Christian perspective. The Center is also committed to creating networks of women in British Columbia concerned with promoting equality, justice and encouragement for women throughout the churches. Materials included in the catalogue were primarily those from a Christian perspective, books published since 1970, and periodicals published since 1975 available in theological school libraries across Canada. Sexuality and abortion are treated as two "special areas". The sexuality area includes basic works on homosexuality, plus those which combine Christian and feminist perspective on lesbianism. Subject Headings |