![]() The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power
Panitch, Leo (ed.)
Publisher: Universtiy of Toronto Press, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 474pp ISBN: 0-8020-2285-5 Library of Congress Number: JL65 1977.c35 Dewey: 320.9`71 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX9028 Marxist perspectives on the Canadian state. Abstract: - Table of Contents: Editor's Preface PART ONE: THEORETICAL AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES The role and Nature of the Canadian state, Leo Panitch Images of the State in Canada, Reg Whitaker PART TWO: CAPITALISM AND FEDERALISM Federalism and the Political economy of the Canadian state, Garth Stevenson The Decline and fall of the Quebec Liberal Regime: contradictions in the modern Quebec state, Henry Milner The state and province-building: Alberta's development startegy, Larry Pratt PART THREE: CLASS STRUCTURE AND STATE STRUCTURE Canadian public policy: the unequal structure of representation, Rianne Mahon The state elites, Dennis Olsen The corporate elite, the capitalist class, and the Canadian state, Wallace Clement PART FOUR: THE STATE IN ACTION: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY The state and economic policy in Canada, 1968-75, David Wolfe The labour force and state workers in Canada, Hugh Armstrong The politics reform: conflict and accomodation in Canada health policy, Donald Swartz Origins of the Welfare state in Canada, Alvin Finkel PART FIVE: The state in action: ideology and social control Capitalism, class and educational reform in Canada, Stephen Schecter Art and accumulation: the Canadian state and the business of art, Robin Endres Apolitical economy of citizen participation, Martin Loney List of contributors |