The First Three Internationals
Their history and lessons
Novak, George; Frankel, Dave; Feldman, Fred
Publisher: Pathfinder Press Inc., New York, USA
Year Published: 1974
Pages: 207pp ISBN: 87348-368-5
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX7423
A short history, from a Trotskyist perspective, of three attempts to build a revolutionary organization of workers on a world scale -- the first three internationals.
Table of Contents
The First and Second Internationals - By George Novack
The Historical Necessity of Internationalism
The First International (1864-76)
The Rise of the Labor and Socialist International (1889-1904)
The Spread of Opportunism in the Socialist International (1904-14)
The First World War and the Collapse of the Second International
The Evolution of Comintern (1916-36)
The History of the Left Opposition (1923-33) - By Dave Frankel
Stalinism and Inernationalism (1935-73)-By Fred Feldman
Sources and Further Reading