Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
Organization profile published 1979

Publisher:  Cross-Cultural Communication Centre, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1979
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX919

The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants ( O.C.A.S.I.) is comprised of 28 agencies that serve many of the ethnic communities including the Chinese, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, West Indian, Spanish etc.

The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants ( O.C.A.S.I.) is comprised of 28 agencies that serve many of the ethnic communities including the Chinese, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, West Indian, Spanish etc. These agencies provide settlement services such as: interpretation, translation, advocacy work, English classes, personal counselling. O.C.A.S.I. was formed in November 1978 to improve services to newcomers in Ontario by acting as an advisory and resource body on issues involving immigrants to government, social service, and community agencies.

O.C.A.S.I. members point to two issues in immigration settlement. Cutbacks in immigration settlement services are affecting thousands of needy immigrants. Criteria established by the Ministry of Employment and Immigration limit funds to settlement agencies for services rendered to those who have been in Canada for less than thirty-six months. The settlement and adaptation process of immigrants cannot be measured by the number of years spent in Canada. O.C.A.S.I. continues to point out that such factors as education, age and emotional situation affect the settlement process.

O.C.A.S.I. is proposing that the Ministry of Employment and Immigration reverse its present three year criteria, and fund agencies to serve all landed immigrants and people under work permits, on the basis of need. It also recommends that the Ministry, in consultation with other concerned ministries, come to an acceptable agreement regarding funding of settlement and adaptation services.

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