Is the James Bay Model Good Enough for the N.W.T.?

Publisher:  Inside Oxfam, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  2pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX214

An analysis of the $225 million James Bay Agreement forced upon the Inuit and Cree of Northern Quebec.

This article is a brief analysis of the $225 million James Bay Agreement with the Inuit and Cree of northern Quebec. Oxfam has funded a community development effort there. The article critically examines the nature of the agreement -- the extinguishing of ownership of 400,000 square miles; the retaining ownership of 5,280 square miles; hunting and trapping rights; royalties and control of local government and services. It also states the author's belief that the agreement was forced and the implications this may have for native peoples in the N.W.T.
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