Report on the Assemble Generale de U.C.S.N. au Monteal of May 4,5,6, 1976
Peterson, Larry (ed.)
Publisher: Urban Core Support Network, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Pages: 34pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX165 Report of a workshop designed to aid individuals involved in urban core issues. Abstract: This is a report of a workshop involving 45 people from across Canada. It was the third such event designed to aid individuals involved in change efforts in urban core areas (that includes Skid Row) to share information, give support and increase their understanding and skills. The report describes and evaluates the design of the workshop as well as documenting change efforts in a variety of cities. The Montreal situation and programs were the focus of much of the workshop including concerns for the lack of detoxification centres, store front community organising efforts, lack of services for ex-mental patients and employment banks. Other efforts outside of Montreal were also briefly examined, including Toronto change efforts, non-'rip off' tax services in Edmonton, federal employment issues. Also included in the report is some further reflection on the factors perpetuating these problems and "Skid Row" in general. The factors are broken down into three categories: personal (worker, residents), service system and socio-economic system. |