Submission to the Poverty Task Force of the United Church of Canada
Linklette, Alma; Linklette, Don
Publisher: United Church of Canada, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1978 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX793 A discussion of what direction the efforts of the United Church should take in the fight against poverty in Canada. Abstract: In this submission the authors discuss the response of the United Church to poverty in Canada. They note that the church has long endorsed a number of principles to no great avail. They believe the time has come to talk less about those others (e.g. the poor) and rather about "us," that is, about the values, "we as church people" hold. They ask about the values "we as church people" hold. They ask about the theological assumptions of contemporary western society. The biblical roots of Christian faith directly contradict the profiteering and gross individualism of contemporary capitalism. They ask broad questions about the Canadian economy and the patterns of work and living which exist within it. They call for a sense of perspective between those who cheat welfare and those who exploit the same system by moonlighting or where both spouses work at good-income jobs. They conclude that most Canadians are honest and hardworking if given a chance. They would like to know concretely what united church people "intend" in a free society. Subject Headings |