Urgent Action Network
Organization profile published 1979
Publisher: c/o Rev. Bob Osborg, O.S.L., "Libertas", Hampton, Canada
Year Published: 1979
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX924
Amnesty International is working to establish an Urgent Action Network of Churches, temples and other groups' members who can spare a few minutes of their time to write a letter on behalf of an Urgent Action case.
Amnesty International is working to establish an Urgent Action Network of Churches, temples and other groups' members who can spare a few minutes of their time to write a letter on behalf of an Urgent Action case. Amnesty will provide the case sheets which include background information, a description of the prisoner's situation, the type of recommended action, the address of authorities to write, and sample messages. Those participants will receive an Action bulletin each time a stamped, self-addressed envelope is returned to the above address.