Saskatchewan Labour Information Project
Publisher: Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, Regina, CanadaYear Published: 1978 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX854 The Saskatchewan Labour Information Project (SLIP) is a one-year venture sponsored by the Sask. Federation of Labour, CUSO, OXFAM, and various development agencies. The project provides Saskatchewan unions, labour councils, and area coordinating committees with education programmes on the nature and causes of underdevelopment and the working and living conditions of people in the Third World. Abstract: Saskatchewan Labour Information Project The Saskatchewan Labour Information Project (SLIP) is a one-year venture sponsored by the Sask. Federation of Labour, CUSO, OXFAM, and various development agencies. The project provides Saskatchewan unions, labour councils, and area coordinating committees with education programmes on the nature and causes of underdevelopment and the working and living conditions of people in the Third World. The programme has a distinct trade union focus, beginning with the working experiences of the union members who attend, and attempts to build trade union solidarity with the struggles of people in the Third World. SLIP is offering a series on "Resource Extraction" (featuring mining), "The Food Industry", "The Health Care Industry" and "Labour Issues". Each series uses selected audio-visuals and focused discussion. This organization no longer exists. This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1978. |