Ecumenical Consultation on the Problems of Quebec Abstracted from Oecumenisme/Ecumenism No. 46
Publisher: Montreal Ecumenical Centre, Montreal, Canada
Year Published: 1976 Pages: 25pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX255
Summary of a bilingual, multi-denominational, and multi-cultural event sponsored by the Montreal Ecumenical Centre.
Abstract: This is a 25 page summary of a bilingual, multi-denominational, and multi-cultural event sponsored by the Montreal Ecumenical Centre, October 29-31, 1976. One hundred and twelve people formed the consultation. The summary includes statistics on the ethnic and religious composition of Quebec and major sections on: 1) Is there a Crisis in Quebec? 2) The Structure of the Quebec Economy and its Social Repercussions 3) Unrest in the Labour Scene in Quebec 4) Causes of Ethnic and Cultural Tensions in Quebec 5) Anglophone - Francophone Relations 6) Evaluation of the Consultation. Some participants were Yves Vaillancourt, Jean Bernier, Karl Leveque, S.J. Keith Spicer. Most of the original resources material is available either in printed or taped form, in either English and/or French from the Ecumenical Centre.
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