National Anti-Poverty Organization
Dcouments produced by NAPO in 1977-1978.
Year Published: 1978
Pages: 75pp Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX886
Abstracts of three documents produced by the National-Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) in 1977-1978.
1) Man vs. The System? Vol. 2, Out of Work? and Revisions and Amendments: August, 1977
The National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) have produced these two documents in order that people needing to cope with the Unemployment Insurance Commission and Manpower will become better informed and better able to fight for their rights.
The document "Man vs. The System?" gives thorough attention to Unemployment Insurance benefits, special cases, eligibility and defines special terms. It also speaks to problem areas, the appeal system, penalties, etc., and gives a summary of important points to remember. The second section overviews Manpower programs, Manpower centres and training programs. The document concludes by encouraging advocacy in the community and suggested reading for those interested in further information. The "Revisions and Amendments" document updates the original document to August 1977.
2) The Future for Canada's Poor: Participation or Total Dependence?: July 14, 1978
This paper documents the struggle and history of the formation of NAPO, which came into existence as a result of a conference sponsored by the National Council of Welfare in 1970. The people attending that conference represented Canada's organized poor and they unanimously passed a resolution to form a national organization to become a voice for Canada's poor.
It has been an uphill struggle since then. Lack of funding and resources made it next to impossible to form a national organization to act on behalf of the poor as well as educate and mobilize the poor. This document addresses poverty, the real needs of the poor and the governments response or lack of it, to this concern. NAPO believe their history and experience provide excellent examples of Canada's failure to accept the organizations of the poor and the existence of poverty itself.
In spite of lack of funds etc., NAPO has survived and is now fighting for government programs which "emphasize prevention and cure rather than symptomatic treatment exclusively." "NAPO believes top priority should be given to the development of programs which will allow people to develop themselves, build on their strengths, minimize their weaknesses and ultimately, take charge of their own lives."
3) Poverty In the '80's - A Brief for Presentation to the Cabinet: March, 1978.
In this brief, NAPO address what they perceive to be major areas of concern in today's economic climate from the perspective of the poor. They examine income distribution, job creating and investment and include a framework for future action which they believe will improve both the outlook of the poor and the country.
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