Newfoundland Status of Women in Council Newsletter Periodical profile published 1977
Publisher: Newfoundland Status of Women Council, Canada
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 18pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX314
A newsletter that covers women's issues in Newfoundland.
Abstract: This monthly newsletter carries an article entitled "Transition House" which describes an N.S.W.C. proposal for the funding of a house for battered wives and children. This proposal was defeated by the provincial government. The transition house would have offered, in liaison with other community and government services, short-term accommodation for women and children who, because of family disputes, are in physical danger.
The reason that the government turned down the proposal was that it would duplicate existing facilities. When looked into by N.S.W.C., it was discovered that the latter services were mostly in the form of counselling and follow-up services. In their opinion and that of social workers and hospitals with which
the N.S.W.C. have been in contact, "adequate provisions for women in explosive situations do not exist."
The N.S.W.C. plans to pursue the issue and at present the 50 community organizations that have been contacted have responded positively in support of their proposals.
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