Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 8
Date Written: 1978-11-30
Publisher: Canadian News Synthesis Project, Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 1978
Pages: 23pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX12232
Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
November 1978 issue.
This issue highlights Canada and the Auto Pact - $7.4 billion loss to US since 1965, stands to lose another $10 billion by 1985; Canadian government considers reopening negotiations on terms of the Auto Pact, Simon Reisman, former Deputy Finance Minister and co-author of Pact opposes plan; Science Council of Canada report points to trade deficit as example of what will happen if unrestricted free trade is allowed between countries of unequal economic power; Canadian Union of Postal Workers' October 1978 strike continues to cause dissention; Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) President Dennis McDermott condemns CUPW for defying back-to-work order; Parti Quebecois government navigates between expectations of supporters for progressive change and power of corporate sector to maintain staus quo, approves hydro rate hikes; Ontario and Quebec to introduce health and safety in workplace legislation.
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