When Did We See You Hungry?
Publisher: Inter-Church Committee for World Development, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Price: FREE Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX514 An educational leader kit designed to focus the theme of food. Abstract: "The Days for World Development" is a joint development education program of the Anglican, Catholic, Luthern, Prebyterian and United Churches of Canada. Its goal is to bring about changes in Canadian public policy which broaden the opportunity for human growth of peoples in developing countries. In this, its sixth year, Ten Days continues its support of the international movement towards a "New International Economic Order" "When Did We See You Hungry" is an educational leader kit designed to focus the theme of food, not as a hunger campaign, but as a means of putting the world order in focus. It assumes that if we take a long hard look at how food is produced , distributed, and delivered, we will then develop a concrete understanding of why the old economic order is not working and why Third World leaders are demanding a New International Economic Order. After a biblical and theological introduction, a recap of previous analysis, the main thrust is international. Canadian materials are included as analogies and linkages to make it easier for us to understand the plight of the Third World.The kit concludes with a "how to"piece drawing upon the experiences of Ten Day groups across the country. ITEMS: 1) The Biblical madate for Christian involvement in the development debate. 2) A theology of hunger by G.Gutierrez. 3) A recapitulation of the global food analysis developed by F.Moore Lappe and J.Collins. 4 ) A resume of the current state of the Canadian food policy debate. 5) Answers to frequently asked questions about foreign aid. 6) An introduction to the international issue of bottle babies. 7) Problems related to land reform in he Third World. 8) How the motivation of profit and the exercise of power distort the Canadian and international food systems. 9) The world food economy in miniture. 10) Programs, people, books, AV'S and such. This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1977. Subject Headings |