Wesika: A Journal Devoted to the Land Claims Movement Periodical profile published 1976
Publisher: B.C. Association of Non-Status Indians, Vancouver, Canada
Year Published: 1976 Pages: 12pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX134
Presents the Indian Land Claims issue from an Indian perspective.
Abstract: This journal's primary purpose is to present the Indian Land Claims issue from an Indian perspective with the intent of raising the political consciousness and the level of political activity of the B.C. Non-Status Indians. Articles included: a profile of Digby Hunt, assistant deputy minister responsible for northern Development in D.I.A.N.D., just assigned to represent the Federal Government's case in the land claims issue. The editorial concludes, "We doubt that the government could have made a dumber, less sympathetic appointment". The views of two local Indian leaders on the question of land clains is included, as is the historical background to and the present state of negotiations of the Dene and Inuit Land Claims; first of a two part biography of the life of Andy Paul, leader of the B.C. Land Claims Movement for the past 40 years. Other articles include a brief survey of local Indian affairs, Mercury Poisoning in B.C., and a statement of support and solidarity for the jailed leader of the native people in Paraguay.
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