We Just Won't Take It
Littleton, Jim
Publisher: U.A.W., Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Pages: 55min Price: $45.00 (rental) Resource Type: Film/Video Cx Number: CX246 Film expressing the opposition of the U.A.W. to wage controls. Abstract: On October 14, 1975, the Liberal Government introduced wage controls. The labour movement saw this as an attack upon their collective bargaining rights. This film covers the period between March 22 (the historic demonstration in Ottawa) and April 10 and 11 (the U.A.W. collective bargaining conference). It shows workers and their leaders discussing the controls at their places of work, union halls, conventions and on the way to Ottawa. The film expresses their opposition to the controls, their determination to fight the government program and their growing confidence as they struggle collectively to defeat the controls. |