The Great War and Canadian Society
An Oral History

Read, Daphne
Publisher:  New Hogtown Press, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1978
Pages:  223pp   ISBN:  0-919940-02-1
Library of Congress Number:  D640.G742   Dewey:  940.3'71
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX9178

Recollections of Canadian men and women who lived thorugh the First World War and recall life in the trenches and on the homefront.


Table of Contents

I Introduction
II Rural Way of Life
III City Streets
IV Newcomers
V Joining Up
VI Orders
VII At the Front
VIII At Work
IX At Home
X A World Transformed

Publisher's Description:

A selection of the reminiscences of Canadian men and women who lived through the First World War from oral history collected in 1974. In evoking the humour, anger, heartaches and controversy of the war years, their stories give a view of ordinary lives in wartime which official histories have long ignored. Illustrated.

Subject Headings
