People and Systems Multiple Authorship
Publisher: NY: Friendship Press, Chicago, Illinois, Canada
Year Published: 1975 Pages: 124pp Price: $6.95 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX181
Packet of materials on how the people of Tanzania, Cuba, China, U.S, and Canada are coping with education, health care, religion, work, and the status of women.
Abstract: Packets of materials on how the people of Tanzania, Cuba, China and the U.S. or Canada, "...are coping with five universal issues: education, health care, religion, work, the role and status of women" have been prepared by Friendship Press and are being used by Church Women United for their Fall Mission Institutes. The overall theme of the study is "People and Systems"; by comparing the situation in the US or Canada with other nations with a far different approach, North Americans can see pitfalls of their systems and possible options for change. A leader's guide, prepared by David Ng, introduces the study to participants. The goal of the study is to "help North Americans enlarge their perspective as they seek to understand and deal with their own problems in the same areas." It is hoped that the study will help North Americans "see their own problems.......from a wider, more creative and critical perspective"; better understand the problems faced by Third World countries and the ways these are being met; "recognize that common problems have unique expressions in each society....(which) must therefore work out its own solutions to them, at the same time learning from the experience of others"; see that North Americans can learn from Third World countries; and better understand how the church has related to these issues in these varied societies. Suggestions for organizing study groups and the study itself are given. (BWH)
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